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Recycling symbols - Did you know....


Recycling symbols - Did you know....

Have you ever seen these recycling symbols shown in the image on a single-use plastic bottle, bag or the like? I bet you've thought to yourself, oh it's ok, it's recyclable, that's what the three rotating arrows mean! Ever noticed the little number in the middle of the symbol and thought, I wonder what that means, but then just chucked it in the recycle bin thinking that it's going to be recycled? I'm afraid to tell you that you've been misled. Like so many people we see the three rotating arrows and think that it means the item can be recycled. Whilst some can be, over the next few weeks we'll let you know what each symbol means and whether it can be recycled or not. So follow, share and like to stay tuned and let you friends know what can and can't be recycled!


See all recycling symbols posts


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