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Supermarket Plastics Investigation


Supermarket Plastics Investigation

AMCS and Boomerang Alliance launch an independent investigation of supermarket plastics

Today AMCS are launching the first ever independent audit of plastics use in Australian supermarkets - giving you the facts on which supermarkets are doing the most to fight plastic.

This exciting new project is a direct response to feedback from ocean lovers,  who are tired of having no say on the plastic packaging on their groceries and household products.

While many supermarkets have adopted a goal to ensure 70% of plastic packaging is recycled or composted in Australia, the fact is only 18% of plastic packaging is currently being recovered.¹

From manufacturing and distribution through to sale, supermarkets have enormous power to influence the plastics used in our everyday groceries and household goods. We need our supermarkets to urgently reduce plastic packaging, eliminate unrecyclable plastics and provide refillable alternatives, so that we can have a real shot at stemming the flow of plastic into our oceans.

The plan that the AMCS has to reduce supermarket plastics.

  1. Transparency & accountability

With the help of our supporters our plastics investigation unit will audit Australian supermarkets on their plastic packaging practices.

A public scorecard will show which supermarkets are doing the most to fight plastic, helping you make educated choices about where to shop. The report will bring public scrutiny to supermarket goals and commitments, and reveal the truth about whether they are really reducing plastic use. It will also guide the Australian public on ways to reduce plastic when you’re shopping, and inspire best practice across the sector.

  1. Dedicated Support

We’ll provide expert support to help supermarket sustainability teams to implement changes that work, cutting household plastics.

Alongside the audit and scorecard, we'll give each supermarket custom recommendations that can help them improve their rankings. Our team will also aid supermarket sustainability teams in adopting plastic reduction best practices from around the world.

  1. Policy Advice 

AMCS and Boomerang will team up with supermarkets to speed up legislative and policy changes that help them to cut plastic use.

Changes to own-brand supermarket products is not enough. We'll help them change supplier behavior and push for global plastic reduction standards. Audit data will also support evidence-based policies to tackle supermarket barriers to plastic reduction.

How you can help

We know you are devastated by the rising tide of plastic polluting our beautiful beaches and threatening our iconic marine life. This is a chance for you to get the companies responsible to take action.

Take the quick 2 minute survey today to have your say on supermarket plastics.


Australian Marine Conservation Society
1. APCO. (April 2023). Review of the 2025 National Packaging Targets: Final Report

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