Tip of the week

Tip of the week - Tote Bags

Put together a zero-waste kit that you can keep in your car and it's ready waiting for you! You can put in things like:

Tote bag (use this to hold your kit)

Mesh bags for groceries, etc.

Refillable water bottle.

Reusable straws.

Some home-made napkins or cloths.


Take action now and find out how to live sustainably at www.zerowasteco.com.au


#tipsntricks #imgoingzero #zerowasteco #zerowaste #ecofriendly #reduce #reuse #recycle #biodegradable #carbonneutral #eco #environment #saveouroceans #noplastic #plasticfree #saynotoplastic #packagefree #sustainableliving #sustainable #green #gogreen #stopclimatechange #protectournature #protectthisearth #savethisplanet 

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